Monday, October 26, 2009

Commodities Heading Higher Are Key to Inflation or Deflation

The US dollar continues to sink and commodities have recovered significantly since the crisis last year. The problem with commodities is that they are key to inflation and cannot be ignored by the fed.

As commodities prices go higher, they have the potential to trigger inflation and thus, are extrewely importat. The above is the chart of 'CR' ndex. INO has a new educational video exactly on this that explains the above chart:

Watch video.

Here are the trade triangle for the index (not part of the video, I generated them myself):

How well did these alerts work? Below is the performance table for $10k investment.

(please click to enlarge)

The ROI following the tool's alerts is 76.93%, versus -14.59% of a buy and hold strategy.

We have ran numerous backtesting on many stocks using these tools (posted recently). You can access the told for a free trial through this link. This will let you see the alert triangles for yourself.

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